Large D color, Flawless or Internally Flawless diamonds always fetch the highest prices at auction, however, recently a new category has captured headlines for the highest prices paid at auction. RARE COLOR FANCY DIAMONDS. Below are some pictures of the most expensive fancy color diamonds sold recently:
Pink Dream

Pumpkin Diamond

Premier Blue

While the size of these diamonds is a big factor in their high prices, another huge factor in their value is the SATURATION of their color. Fancy color diamonds, while rare, are not impossible to find in less saturated tones. Pink and Blue diamonds that are "Fancy Light" color are not nearly as rare and thus less desirable. "Fancy Vivid" or "Fancy Intense" color designations make these diamonds truly one of a kind. Even fancy yellow diamonds that are far more common can be sold for triple the price if their saturation of color is deemed "vivid" or "intense" instead of "light".
What makes a diamond exhibit such astounding color? Nature of course! While sapphire and ruby and many varieties of quartz and topaz can be "heated" to increase the color intensity. It is far more difficult to do in diamond. Therefore, these rare vivid color diamonds came out of the earth with this color. Which tends to drive collectors to spend millions of dollars per carat on them! Unfortunately, these stones are usually up for auction in places like New York, Hong Kong, Geneva and London...not Philadelphia.
You can search our inventory of fine fancy yellow diamonds online here:
Fancy Yellow Diamonds
Those are beautiful diamonds. I always appreciate learning about and seeing rare gems, including various colors of popular jewels. My husband got me a diamond engagement ring with a pink diamond--a rare find on his part!