The motivation for a jewelry to purchase diamonds from the public is highest if they can pay less than their usual wholesale cost. For this reason some jewelers will offer two prices for a diamond, a liquidation price and a consignment price. The liquidation price is usually lower than the wholesale value of the item, for which the jeweler is willing to pay immediately to purchase the diamond outright. A consignment price is an average wholesale price that the jeweler agrees to pay you for an item left with them for resale. This is the best way to get the most value for your diamonds, assuming you don't need the money right away or you are not in any hurry to sell them. A jeweler will pay more on consignment since he is not outlaying any of his/her own money for the diamond. It may take some time before the item sells, however, the customer can always accept the lower liquidation price, or take it back from the jeweler and try their luck elsewhere.
Sydney Rosen Company is ALWAYS interested in partnering with our customers to sell their diamonds. We offer both consignment and liquidation prices, and we will do whatever we can to get you the most value for your stones. There is never an appraisal charge to examine stones you are interested in selling. Click on the link below for more information or to inquire with us about selling your diamond.